Get your $23.8 Million back!

Unclaimed Property Map for Irvine, California.

Presented by the volunteers of Discovered Money, 501(c)(3)

Andrew Hamilton, CPA Chad Raeside, CPA

All dollar amounts shown on the map below are held by the California State Controller’s Office.

Legend for this map

Red = $500 claim or less
Yellow = Between $500 and $1,000
Green = Over $1,000

How to use this map:

  1. Scroll through this road map of a portion of Orange County, California. Click on any marker (colored dots) you would like more details about. You may zoom in and zoom out to help navigate the entire region. A full screen version of this map is available here.
  2. Be sure to explore the entire city for people and places you know: your home address, your friends, family members, ancestors, employers, non-profit organizations you support, schools and much more.
  3. If you know someone listed on the map, they should act on their claim for funds as soon as possible. Show them our map and recommend that they visit this website ( to access the claim forms with the State of California. (Instructions will be included on their website.) Once the claim form is their received and processed, they will send a check for the claim amount with no strings attached! New update: Online application forms are available for most claims under $500!

Please explore our maps with the following disclaimers in mind:

  1. We are seeking to locate and notify only the individuals listed at each claim marker which is not always the current property owner.
  2. This Irvine unclaimed property data was first collected on April 7th, 2014. Although every effort is made to avoid displaying stagnant data, the addresses presented on the map may be outdated in terms of the unclaimed property owner listed at each address. Claim records are added and removed on a weekly basis. Due to constant claims processing by the State of California’s Controller’s office, the cash may have already been claimed by the rightful owner/heir.
  3. There are thousands of listings that can not be mapped because the addresses can not be marked on a map. (i.e. Post Office boxes, Rural Routes, unknown addresses, misspellings, apartment numbers, and much more) Please conduct your own searches at your own county and state unclaimed property divisions to ensure you’ve checked all possible sources for your claims. Due to the constant changes, we recommend you search the databases at least once every year.
  4. Although rare, Google Maps may not always place the marker in the correct location for the address listed.

We have additional California maps available here!

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